Org Mode in Hakyll The Ultimate Toolkit for Publishing?
As an Emacs user I’m really glad that I can benefit from full power of Pandoc thanks to Hakyll while creating this site. One of the Emacs’ beloved mode - org-mode is supported by Pandoc therefore you can use it as markup language in Hakyll. Org-mode is really powerful. There is only problem with it - it’s almost exclusive for Emacs environment. Github maybe supports org preview but true power of org comes from editing experience in Emacs. Because Org is so exclusive to Emacs (written in E-Lisp) it’s hardly default markup even for many Emacs users simply because many of them has to to support all kinds of users not just ones who happen to use Emacs and org. Markdown is de-facto standard these days. This is for example why I’m personally also writing markdown daily. However this is quite different when it comes to project maintained only by one person - you. Org mode is simply so much better for taking notes, creating to-dos and much more that it become one of the most successful Emacs extension. Especially when it comes to literate programming which is what I mostly trying to do on this blog and more generally reproducible research which is movement I’m pretty big fan of. I’m also actively looking for interesting ideas and tools since I’ve discovered Jubyter notebooks about a year ago.
To be honest since I’m mostly working on documents maintain by group of people (mostly colleagues) I’m not really an expert on org-mode. Anyway I was working on new blog post recently where I would really appreciate some of Org’s features. This is why I’ve recently added org support to this site willing to test Pandoc support. I’ve also decided to keep this document public on this site as a kind of reference which might be helpful to some folks.
Actually this is the end of post itself. Everything below is just to test how Pandoc handles org files.
This is H1
There is paragraph under h1
Some basic test
This is bold, italic, code
, verbatim
and strike text.
- However bold and italic doesn’t play well when used together like in markdown.
- However bold and italic doesn’t play well when used together like in markdown.
- Bullet
- Another bullet
- child
- deep
- child
Other style
- Bullet
- Another bullet
- child
- deep
- child
Other style
- Bullet
- Another bullet
- child
- deep
- child
Style *
isn’t supported.
Check List [1/3] [33%]
Heading and has special class however <ul>
and <li>
are plain.
Task List
TODO some to-do
DONE done to-do
Items are added with special class.
number | description |
1 | looooong long name |
5 | name |
has even
and odd
Source Code
Emacs Lisp:
defun negate (x)
("Negate the value of x."
- x)) (
(10)) (negate
There are interesting classes like sourceCode
and example
Also there html5 attributes prefixed with rundoc-
factorial :: Int -> Int
0 = 1
factorial = n * factorial (n - 1) factorial n
- Characters: α β → ↑ ∨ \and ⟹ π ∞
- Inline Math: f(x) = x2
- More complex: $\frac{x^2}{2}$
LaTeX characters are wrapped in <em>
and Math inside <span class="math inline">
NOTE: There is standard LaTeX embeded above which is skipped during compilation to HTML.
This is using
$$\sum_{i=0}^n i^2 = \frac{(n^2+n)(2n+1)}{6}$$
Tagged tag
Tags are not visible in render
Block Quote
Org mode is amazing. So is Hakyll & Pandoc.
Images has to have extension like:
then it can be loaded even from other origin..
Description List
- Frodo
- The hobbit ringbearer
- Aragorn
- The human ranger, true kind of Gondor
- Gandalf
- The Grey Wizard
creddits to
This has some1 foot note.
The link is:↩︎

However I do like reddit as a platform so feel free to shout here: